UNAMA Concern about ‘Intensity’ of Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan

The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) on a statement Sunday said they are concern over increasing number of civilian casualties, urging parties to “take immediate” actions to avoid innocent people dying.

“As we celebrate International Peace Day, a reminder of the toll war is taking on Afghanistan’s civilians,” said UNAMA in a tweet.  “We’re concerned by high numbers of civilian casualties & urge parties to take immediate measures to protect them, and create conducive atmosphere for Doha peace talks.”

According to UNMAN’s assessment, civilian casualties indicate the intensity of conflict in Afghanistan, saying at least 20 killed and 39 wounded, including women and children, on Saturday’s attack.

“Civilian casualty numbers, a key indicator of conflict’s intensity, are at a lower level than in recent years,” the statement read. “But UNAMA preliminary findings show as many as 20 civilians killed and 39 injured –including women, boys and girls– in four separate incidents Saturday.”

The remarks came at a time the country is biding to reach a comprehensive ceasefire, negotiating with Taliban in Doha.

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