Treat Afghans under global rules, Kabul tells neighbors

Reacting to Iran’s summoning of the Afghan envoy, second vice-president Sarwar Danish on Sunday asked neighboring countries to keep their relations with Afghanistan in accordance with international laws.

The reaction from Danish comes after Iran summoned Afghan ambassador based in Tehran over protests against Iran in Afghanistan.

A large number of Afghans protested against mistreatment of Afghans in the neighboring country, chanting anti-Iran slogans.

The protests follow alleged throwing of some of Afghan nationals into a river and the killing of others in a car blaze.

The second vice-president tweeted “neighboring countries should keep their relations with Afghanistan in accordance with global norms and show their good will towards Afghans.”

“We ask our neighbors to avoid creating any critical conditions regarding Afghanistan,” he added.

He said Afghans could resolve their problems themselves peacefully and with mutual respect.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) also in a statement in reaction to Iran’s action said that Afghans had the right to conduct peaceful protests according to the country laws.

A delegation from Afghanistan is expected to travel to Iran for resolving the ongoing tension between the neighbors.


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