Putin: ‘IEA’ Allies Fight Against Terrorism

Russian President Vladimir Putin, at the end of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit, introduced the IEA as his country’s ally in the fight against terrorism.

Putin said that the ‘Taliban’ have power in Afghanistan and, therefore, are Moscow’s partners in the fight against terrorism.

Putin said: “We must assume that the Taliban have control over power in Afghanistan. For this reason, of course, the Taliban are our allies in the war against terrorism because any authority is interested in the stability of the country they govern.”

Meanwhile, Zakir Jalali, director of the third political department of the Foreign Ministry of the Islamic Emirate, said he found Putin’s remarks understandable.

Jalali said: “The recent remarks of Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding the normalization of relations with the Afghan government at the Shanghai Organization summit are understandable.”

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman for the Islamic Emirate, described the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit as an important regional meeting, stating that the member countries of this organization have good relations with the Islamic Emirate.

Zabihullah Mujahid said: “The Shanghai summit itself is an important meeting in the region, and the countries that attend it have good, close, and trustworthy relations with the Islamic Emirate.”

In response to the member countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s demand for the formation of an inclusive government in Afghanistan, Zabiullah Mujahid said that countries should discuss matters such as regulating their relations with Afghanistan.

Mujahid said: “The issue of an inclusive government is an Afghan matter, and Afghanistan will make decisions based on its national interests in all areas. Distant and neighboring countries should talk about matters such as regulating relations with Afghanistan and creating a space for cooperation at the regional level.”

The next summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization leaders is scheduled to be held on October 15 and 16, 2024.

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