National Security Advisor of Pakistan Moeed Yusuf on Saturday said in Washington that the country cannot afford additional Afghan refugees and the international community is obliged to make arrangements for them inside Afghanistan.
Yusuf has said, if civil war erupts in Afghanistan the asylum seekers should not be pushed towards them.
NSA Moeed Yusuf along with the head of Pakistan’s spying agency-inter-services Intelligence (ISI)- Faiz Hameed were visiting the United States for discussion over Afghanistan and bilateral issues. The latter has left Washington while the former is still in the United States.
When asked about Pakistan’s relations and influence over the Taliban Yusuf said that they have minimum leverage. He said that if Pakistan had influence over the group, they would have prevented them from destroying the Buddha idols in Bamyan province in the 1990s.
Earlier the Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan also had said the country is already hosting nearly three million Afghan refugees and they do not have the capacity to accept more.
Tajikistan, a northern neighbor of Afghanistan has announced to accept up to one hundred thousand Afghan refugees but has acknowledged to remain cautious while allowing the people in and will not give refuge to those who have worked with the US.