A Badghis man allegedly beat and strangled his nine-year-old wife to death on Sunday night, provincial officials confirmed on Monday.
The incident took place in Kadanak village of Qades district of the province due to “family issues,” a spokesman for the provincial governor Naqibullah Amini confirmed.
He said the child “named Samia had been married to (the suspect) Sharafuddin for two years.”
“The man fled the area after the incident,” Amini said.
The girl’s father has meanwhile been arrested by police “for forcing his daughter to marry the man,” Amini added.
Amini said the husband is about 35 years old and has another wife. He said the child had been given to Sharafuddin as “Bad” (as payment to settle a dispute).
However, he did not provide further details about the incident.
This comes just a day after the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled (MoLSAMD) in cooperation with UNICEF launched a comprehensive study on child marriage in Afghanistan.
According to the minister of labor, social affairs, martyrs and disabled, Faizullah Zaki, the study, built on previous studies, looked at child marriage in Afghanistan from various angles.
In his foreword, Zaki said “the practice of child marriage is widely opposed, but our understanding is ‘narrow’, and our actions inadequate.
“Building on the findings of this study, we need to embark on a national action plan to combat comprehensively the child marriage practice.”
“We are going to change this culture of child marriage so that no child in the country becomes the victim of this phenomenon. I reiterate our commitment to the protection and well-being of our children. It is our children on whom our future rests,” Zaki said.
Badghis husband kills 9-year old wife
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