A documentary named “SCAR” was screened

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Today in Kabul, a documentary film produced by CMG (China Media Group) titled “SCAR” was screened. Dozens of people, including officials of the interim government of Afghanistan, participated in the ceremony organized for the screening of this film. The opening speech of this meeting was delivered by Asadullah Wahidi, professor of Kabul University. He said that this is the first time that such a film is made in Afghanistan and they participate in its screening. He also said that in the last 20 years, many problems have occurred in Afghanistan due to wars and all of them should be depicted.

After that, Ehsanullah Karimi, the Afghan producer of the documentary “Wounded”, said that in this film, the issues of the past 20 years of Afghanistan were looked at, especially because of the American bombings, which remained hidden from the eyes of the people. Ahmadullah Wasiq, the head of Afghanistan’s National Radio and Television, said in this ceremony that it is the first time that he participated in the screening of such a film, and he sees the pain of the residents of rural areas, whose voices must be raised.

In this film, the participants could not bear the scene of a person named Barkatullah, whose seven family members were killed in an American airstrike, and the participants’ eyes became wet. Soon, a documentary film called “SCAR” produced by China Media Group will be released through Afghan and Chinese media.

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