Over 500 cadets from the National Military Academy of Afghanistan graduated on Tuesday, earning a bachelor’s degree and a commission in the Afghan military forces as a second lieutenant, according to a statement.
The National Military Academy of Afghanistan, part of the Marshal Fahim National Defense University, is a four-year institution that combines academics with military training, providing both a four-year college education to its cadets, as well as preparing them to be leaders in the Afghan National Army (ANA) or Air Force.
“NMAA is producing the life blood of the Afghan National Army, both junior leaders now and the staff officers and senior commanders of the future Army”, said British Army Colonel Jeremy Pughe-Morgan, Director of the Army Institutional Advisory Team, part of the Force Development Branch of the NATO-led Resolute Support mission.
“The quality of the education and leadership training at the NMAA is high, and I have full confidence that these young officers graduating today are ready to take the fight to the enemy” said Pughe-Morgan.
The addition of these new, young officers is vital for the ANA. “The ANA needs young leaders (platoon and company commanders) in the battlefield,” said Lieutenant General. Payenda Mohammad Nazim, commander of the Unified Training, Education and Doctrine Command (UTED-C), the central ANA command responsible for training. “The new leaders are ready with full courage, education, commitment and dedication to serve the nation,” said Payenda.
The Army Institutional Advisory Team has worked closely with the ANA in the development of the Unified Training, Education and Doctrine Command. “The UTED-C is a new command that brings together the various education, leadership development, training and doctrine commands under one unified command and training system. It is a major step towards an efficient, self-sustaining and affordable Afghan National Army,” said Pughe-Morgan. “The establishment of UTED-C will increase effectiveness in all aspects of training and education within the ANA, with the support of Resolute Support mission,” said Payenda. This work has already born fruit. “The UTED-C revised the NMAA curriculum and brought balance between the military and academic studies,” said Payenda. “They have the right skills to lead the fight against terrorists in the combat zone.”
NATO remains committed to help the Afghan Security Institutions to pave the way towards peace.