15 Miners Trapped in Collapsed Tunnel in Samangan Coal Mine

Tunnels in a coal mine collapsed in the northern province of Samangan on Tuesday, leaving at least 15 workers trapped, officials said, adding that efforts have failed so far to rescue the miners.

The incident happened at around 11:00 am in Shabashak coalmine in Dara-e-Soof, which is a major coal-providing area.

There was an explosion in one of the tunnels before it collapsed, according to the Samangan police.

A team has been sent to the area, but the Dara-e-Soof district governor Sultan Ali Sultan said that so far no one has been rescued from the tunnel.

The team, eyewitnesses said, has installed air vents in the tunnel near where the collapse happened.

Residents of the area claimed that the team sent to the area is not professional enough to be helpful in rescuing the trapped workers.


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