Voters Believe Obama Would Be Better Than Trump At Handling Coronavirus Outbreak, New Poll Finds

By: Jack Brewster

Topline: Voters would rather have former President Barack Obama at the helm handling the coronavirus outbreak than President Trump, a new survey finds, though Americans remain deeply divided about leadership during the coronavirus outbreak that has sickened more than 400,000 nationwide.

Tangent: Biden and Trump spoke by phone on Monday about the response to the coronavirus outbreak and both described the call as going smoothly.
“I laid out what I thought he should be doing,” Biden said about the call Tuesday on CNN. “I laid out four or five specific points that I thought were necessary. I indicated that it is about taking responsibility, and being the commander in chief, taking on the responsibility.”

And Trump said that he had a “wonderful, warm conversation” with Biden.
“It was a very nice conversation,” Trump added. “He gave me his point of view and I fully understood that.”

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