Support for Afghan women was the focus of a discussion between US special representatives for Afghanistan with Qatari Lolwah Alkhater, Minister of State for International Cooperation, in MoFA.
On Tuesday, Rina Amiri, the US special envoy for Afghan Women, Girls, and Human Rights, and US special representative Thomas West met with Alkhater.
Amiri tweeted that in the meeting with Lolwah Alkhater they discussed “concrete support for Afghan women & girls in areas of education & economic empowerment.”
US Special Representative Thomas West tweeted that in the meeting with Alkhater they discussed Qatar’s efforts to support the education and entrepreneurship of Afghan women and girls.
Meanwhile, the Foreign Ministry of Qatar wrote in a statement that in the meeting of the US special representatives for Afghanistan with Lolwah Alkhater included discussions on cooperative relations between the two countries, the outcomes of the US-Afghanistan meeting hosted by Doha, and ways to support the health, education, and economy sectors in Afghanistan.”
Linda Thomas Greenfield, United States Ambassador to the United Nations, said in a press conference that “we do not recognize the Taliban.”
“We believe Afghan girls should be allowed to return to school and Afghan women back to work. And we have continued to put pressure on the Taliban. We do not recognize the Taliban,” said Linda Thomas Greenfield.
Linda Thomas Greenfield added that the US has not given “any support to the Taliban as a result of their decision not to allow girls to return to school, as we address these human rights issues in the Council during our presidency, certainly, Afghanistan will be at the top of that list.”