Two More Shipments of New Banknotes Have Arrived in Kabul: Mehrabi

A member of the Afghan Central Bank’s supreme council, Shah Mehrabi, said that two batches of newly printed banknotes have been delivered to Afghanistan.

Mehrabi said that the total amount of banknotes that have been sent to Afghanistan is “about half of what needs to be delivered to complete the total transaction that was made between Da Afghanistan Bank and PWPW.”

“The PWPW is state-owned …They did two deliveries. One on Tuesday and the additional one on Thursday. The total amount that was delivered each day consisted of 7.5 million Afghani banknotes, a total of 1.5 billion,” he told TOLOnews.

The residents of Kabul city said everyone must treat the banknotes with care.

“They might take a wallet to protect the banknotes,” a resident of Kabul said.

“When we take the money, we should take care of it. And not give it to the children,” a resident of Kabul.

The Ministry of Economy said earlier that the worn-out banknotes would be collected systematically from the markets and the newly-printed banknotes would replace them soon.

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