Total Confirmed Coronavirus Cases in Afghanistan Rises to 1,176

84 new positive coronavirus cases have been reported in the past 24 hours, said Wahidullah Mayar, a spokesman for the Health Ministry.

84 new positive coronavirus cases were reported in Afghanistan over the last 24 hours–Kabul (28), Kandahar (22), Zabul (2), Helmand (4), Nimroz (5), Herat (3), Ghazni (2), Kapisa (4), Nangarhar (6), Kunar (3), Parwan (1), Bamiyan (1), Laghman (1), Paktia (1) and Farah (1)–bringing the total to 1,176, said Wahidullah Mayar, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Public Health.

So far 40 people have died due to the coronavirus and 166 others have recovered, according to the Health Ministry.

The number of deaths from the COVID-19 disease globally is more than 177,496, and more than 2.5 million have been infected with the virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.

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