President Ashraf Ghani said on Thursday at a ceremony related to agriculture that 10,685 cold storage units have been constructed across the country, said the Presidential Palace (ARG) in a series of tweets.
“In 34 provinces of the country 10,685 cold storage (units) have been prepared for inauguration today,” said Ghani.
According to ARG, Ghani said that despite the domestic capacity some goods are still being imported from other countries.
Ghani added that Afghanistan has the capacity to provide agricultural products to the world.
Meanwhile, officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) said that nearly 15,000 cold storage units have been established across the country that effect farmers’ lives.
Economic analysts, on other hand, said that if the ministry of agriculture changes the agricultural system to an industrial system Afghanistan will a key exporter of agricultural products in the region.