Solar power plants to be inaugurated in Kabul, Kandahar

Solar power plants to be inaugurated in Kabul, Kandahar

Officials from the Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), Afghanistan’s biggest power distributor firm, on Sunday said that work on two solar power projects in Kabul and Kandahar provinces will be completed within the next two months.

The DABS spokesman Wahid Tawhidi said the solar power project in Kandahar will have the capacity of generating 10 megawatts of power.

He said that another solar power project is under implementation in Kabul which has the capacity of generating 20 megawatts of power.

“Besides these projects, there are some other projects also which can generate electricity from the solar system. The projects are in different phases of implementation,” said Tawhidi.

Last month, the Asian Development Bank and the Canadian Climate Fund for the Private Sector announced that they are providing $7.85 million loans to a Turkish company to complete work on a 15.1-megawatt solar power plant in the southern province of Kandahar.

Turkey’s 77 Group, a Turkish construction firm, has invested $12 million in the project which will be completed in the near future. The loan provided by the ADB and the Canadian organization will be spent on maintenance of the plant, as well.

According to DABS statistics, Afghanistan has four solar power plants in Bamiyan, Herat and Kandahar provinces.

Critics said that investment in solar energy is a key to improve access to power in the country which gets most of its required electricity from neighboring countries.

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