The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR) have launched a $10 million programme with the financial support for the Saudi Arabian government, aimed at reintegrating returnees and internally displaced people in Afghanistan.
The project aims to provide essential services to facilitate community development. Construction will start on 37 schools, health clinics, and infrastructure projects like roads and water networks across Afghanistan.
“The government is firmly committed to ensuring the voluntary repatriation and sustainable reintegration of all displaced Afghans. It constitutes one of our highest national priorities,” said Noor Rahman Akhlaqi, head of MoRR.
The programme was launched in June 2020, helping some 3 million people and is expected to be completed by May 2021. Saudi Arabia is funding up to 14 projects in Bamiyan, Kabul, Nangarhar and Kandahar.
“We are grateful to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for this very generous donation for
supporting the people of Afghanistan,” said Caroline Van Buren, UNHCR Representative
in Afghanistan.
All the projects are in 20 priority areas identified by the government for return and reintegration where returnees and displaced people are living among local communities.
There are 4.6 million Afghans outside Afghanistan, of whom 2.7 million are registered refugees. Collectively, they represent one of the longest-displaced, longest-dispossessed populations worldwide.