The of Macroryan area of capital Kabul expressed concerns over deactivated heating system, saying they are facing severe challenges amid cold whether.
The residents said that their children have been sick due to lack of access to heating system.
“The wooding heatings can not be installed, so we can warm it with fire. There are very problems,” said Muskan, a resident of Macroryan.
“First of all the system should be repaired. Then, the prices should be considered fair because the teachers and others don’t have salaries. The economic conditions should be considered,” Mohammad Kazim, a resident of Macroryan.
The officials of the maintenance department of the Macroryan assured that they will address the issue.
According to the officials, some of the residents are in debt from the past two years and that some others are not willing to use the heating system.
“One issue is the debt and another issue is the high price,” said Abdullah Muslim, head of the department.
According to the department of maintenance affairs of the Macroryan, the residents need to pay 8 Afs per one square meter of their house to receive heating system.