Recent floods leave 540 dead in Afghanistan: UN

The United Nations says 540 people died as a result of recent floods in Afghanistan. The agency investigating the effects of the climate crisis in developing countries has said that as a result of these floods, 3,000 houses were also destroyed.

“Last week, we saw dangerous floods around the world, it has caused financial and life losses for many people. In Afghanistan, 540 people died and 3,000 houses were destroyed,” said Maria Lopes, representative of the Climate Crisis Impact Assessment Office at the UN.

At the same time, a delegation from the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office of Economic Affairs has traveled to Ghor province and local officials have said that emergency aid including food, medicine and temporary shelters have been provided to the flood victims.

The spokesman of Ghor governor, Abdul Wahid Hamas, said that the number of victims as a result of floods in this province has reached 55 people. According to him, 3,000 houses in this province were destroyed and thousands more were badly damaged.

“We ask the Islamic Emirate to reach out to the people. None of us saw sympathy from the Emirate, no one came to show us at least a little sympathy,” said a flood victim of Ghor.

The casualties and damage caused by the floods in Afghanistan have also been met with international concern. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that due to the floods, hundreds of people have died, thousands of houses have been destroyed and this flood has led to a human disaster.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its gratitude to the countries and international organizations that have expressed sympathy with the people of Afghanistan and helped the flood victims, a statement read.

The recent floods in the country, especially in Baghlan, show that Afghanistan is more vulnerable to climate change and that the country needs long-term assistance from the international community.

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