Olive yield doubles in Nangarhar

The yield of olives in Nangarhar province has doubled this year compared to last year.

Officials at the Nangarhar Canal Department say that this year’s olive yield will total nearly 300 tons, from which about 3,000 liters of oil will be extracted.

“Our harvest this year has doubled compared to last year. Last year, the yield was 150 or 160 tons, but this year we have about 300 tons of olives,” Gholam-ur Rahman Kazim, the head of Nangarhar Canal Department, said.

Workers in olive production companies express satisfaction, but they want more facilities to improve the capacity of processing factories.

“We ask the authorities to provide us facilities so that the production level (of olive oil) increases. When the production level increases, more workers will be needed,” Baghche Gol, a factory worker, said.

The head of Nangarhar Canal Department says that 700 people are directly employed in olive oil processing companies, and more than 4,000 people are employed indirectly.

Nangarhar Canal Olive Oil Production Company is one of the oldest companies in the country, which was established on 27 hectares of land with the financial assistance of Russia.

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