Nobody reserves right to call us terrorists: Taliban

The Taliban on Tuesday hit out at the International Conference of religious scholars in Saudi Arabia, saying no one reserved the right to call them terrorists.
Saudi Arabia and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) have completed preparations to host the International Conference of Muslim Scholars on Peace and Stability in the Republic of Afghanistan in Jeddah and Makkah on July 10 and 11.
Around 110 religious scholars from over 33 Muslim countries, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Sudan and Tunisia, are participating in the conference.
In a statement, the Taliban said the ongoing jihad in Afghanistan was neither a war among Afghans or conflict among Muslims. This war started 17 years ago when Americans Invaded Afghanistan and thus Afghan Mujahid nationals launched the jihad, the group said.
The statement added a new war stagey — announced planned by President Donald Trump — was being executed in Afghanistan. The Afghans forces could not change the war because they were not independent, it added.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is not a rebel or terrorist group. It is representative of the 30 million Afghans and has been struggling for Islam and independence”, the statement said.
It would be unfair and irrational to call a nation with a great history terrorist and rebel. Nobody had the right to do this, the movement said.
“In light of the above points, if someone still brands this mujahid nation a terrorist, they would be complicit in the invasion of American aggressors and oppression of Muslims.”
The statement called on participants of the Islamic conference to stand with the ordinary Afghans and support their righteous struggle.

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