NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has announced the appointment of Ambassador Stefano Pontecorvo as NATO’s next Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan.
“I am glad to announce that I have appointed Ambassador Stefano Pontecorvo as NATO’s next Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan. Ambassador Pontecorvo will take up his post on 1 June. He brings a long-standing diplomatic experience, including on Afghanistan and the broad regional context,” the NATO chief said in a statement on Monday.
“I look forward to working closely with him at this critical juncture for Afghanistan’s future, where all actors need to come together in the interest of peace and to fight the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.
Pontecorvo is an Italian national and he served as Italy’s ambassador to Pakistan.
Stoltenberg also thanked Italy for its continued mission in Afghanistan.
“I thank Italy for its continued commitment to strengthening the Afghan security forces so that they can create the conditions for a sustainable peace,” said Stoltenberg.
“Italy is a framework nation in our Resolute Support mission, contributing brave and highly-skilled troops, as well as continued funding to the Afghan security forces, and the country’s economic development,” he said.
Stoltenberg further said: “NATO Allies and our partner countries remain firmly committed to Afghanistan’s long-term security, which is important for our own security. I thank our outgoing Senior Civilian representative Ambassador Sir Nicholas Kay for his outstanding service, and his contributions to the cause of peace and security for all Afghans.”
Pontecorvo will replace Nicolas Kay.
Ambassador Nicholas Kay is currently the NATO Senior Civilian Representative to Afghanistan. Previously he served as UK Ambassador to Afghanistan from 2017-18.
From June 2013 until January 2016 he was the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative (SRSG) for Somalia and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). After leaving Somalia he became the UK Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa 2016-2017.