Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in an address to the United Nations General Assembly on Saturday said that no country should exploit the situation in Afghanistan for its own advantage.
Without naming any country, Modi said the countries that support and use terrorism as a political tool should know that they will also be harmed by terrorism.
“Countries with regressive thinking that are using terrorism as a political tool, these countries must understand that terrorism is an equally big threat for them also,” he said.
Modi urged the international community to ensure Afghanistan is not used as a place from where terrorists stage attacks against any country.
“It is absolutely essential to ensure that Afghanistan’s territory is not used to spread terrorism and for terrorist attacks,” he said.
Modi’s remarks followed Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan’s prerecorded message played at the UN meeting in which he urged the international community to support the Taliban instead of isolating them.
At this year’s UN meeting, the recent political developments in Afghanistan have been one of the dominant topics.