Mines ministry signed contracts worth $8 billion in past year

In the past year, the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum has signed 13 large mining contracts worth $8 billion, officials said on Saturday.

Addressing a press conference, officials said that 167 small-scale mining projects are ongoing with an investment of 10 billion afghanis.

They emphasized that in the past year, the ministry conducted a new survey of 647 deposits in 28 provinces.

Officials also announced that 1,700 emerald deposits have been surveyed and registered in Panjshir province, and 575 permits have been issued for its extraction, employing 15,000 people.

According to them, in the past year, 78,000 carats of emeralds worth more than $5.5 million have been sold to local and foreign businessmen.

Officials also emphasized that the practical work of TAPI and Mes Aynak copper projects in the country is expanding and has provided employment opportunities for the people.

They also announced efforts to implement new projects in Ghor, Badghis, Maidan Wardak, Herat, Parwan, Bamyan, Kapisa and Nangarhar provinces in the near future.

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