Karzai, Sayyaf Attempt Mediation of Political Stalemate

Former president Hamid Karzai and former mujahideen leader Abdul Rab Rasul Sayyaf have begun mediation efforts to solve the tensions between President Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, according to Sayyaf’s spokesman Massoud Tarishtwal.

Their efforts are focused on creating a broad-based and inclusive government, said Tarishtwal.

“The agenda is focused on how to ensure the safety of Afghanistan and how to create an inclusive government, where all parties and all Afghan politicians can see themselves represented. Discussion has been held regarding this principle,” said Tarishtwal.

This comes after the US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad also urged the Afghan political leaders to take bold steps towards settling the political crisis in the country and agree on the creation of an inclusive government.

“The best gift Afghan leaders can give the country on this occasion is: 1. They reach an agreement on an inclusive government and end the political crisis,” Khalilzad tweeted.

Meanwhile President Ashraf Ghani on Thursday evening, in a recorded video, wished the country a happy solar new year and called for unity among the people to achieve peace.

Ghani said the government dubs 1399 the “year of unity and reform.”

“Now that we are more than ever hopeful for peace, there is a need more than ever for unity,” Ghani said.

“The political clasd of the country should join hands and all should move together towards changing the dreams of the real owners of this land–the Afghan people–into reality,” added Ghani.

“If you see the situation, both of them (Ghani and Abdullah) understand the problem. I have close relations with Abdullah Abdullah and I see that he is trying to end the tensions and find a solution for this,” said Haji Din Mohammad, the deputy head of the High Peace Council.

“Tensions between them could undermine the peace process,” said Ziauddin Akazi, a member of parliament.

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