A group of investors on Friday called on the government to address the land problem in the Pul-e-Charkhi industrial park in Kabul, raising their concerns about the allotment of land to those who are not associated with any business.
Some of the investors said they pay $3,000 per month for property rent at the industrial park.
The investors said less has been done by the government for the business community and factory owners in terms of land allotment over the last two decades.
“At least 60 percent of factory owners run their business on leased land,” said Abdul Jabbar Safi, the head of Industrialists Union.
The owner of a factory in the Pul-e-Charkhi industrial park, Sayed Mujtaba, said they are also faced with a lack of electricity
“We are faced with many problems… There are problems in the import of raw materials as well as the property rent is high,” Mujtaba said.
“The government promised us to provide land for factories’ construction, but it has not happened so far. We are faced with many problems,” said Arifullah, an investor.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce pledged to find those responsible for leasing the property in the industrial park and address the needs of goods for investors, retailers, and distributors in the industrial park.
“The Ministry of Industry and Commerce will make sure to identify those who get land in the industrial park and lease it to others. The land will be recovered and will be allotted to those who need it,” said Fawad Ahmadi, a spokesman for the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.