Local officials confirmed Thursday morning that three security check posts fell to the Taliban in Shewan, Garani and Aab Khormay areas of Bala Blook district in Farah province on Wednesday night.
Security forces have also confirmed that casualties have been sustained, but they did not give out any details. Some reports indicate however that as many as 35 security force members were killed in the clashes.
Mohibullah, a spokesman for the provincial police chief says there were also clashes in Peshtkoh district over night and that both security forces and Taliban sustained casualties.
Farah city residents meanwhile confirmed that Taliban fighters were seen on the streets of the provincial capital on Thursday night.
Skirmishes have taken place off and on over the past few months between security forces and Taliban in the province.
However, just six months ago, Farah city teetered on the verge of collapse.
At the time residents appealed to government to send in extra troops as families fled the area.