Global Order: Toward Chaos After Trump’s Election

3 Min Read

In recent years, the global order has reached a state marked by instability and signs of chaos. This situation intensified significantly during Donald Trump’s presidency. Trump’s policies, resembling a kind of revival of feudalism, were not considered solutions to global issues but instead became sources of new problems.

During his presidency, Trump focused solely on America’s domestic affairs, ignoring the global order. This was a time when the world desperately needed leadership to seriously address international challenges and foster cooperation. However, under Trump’s unilateral policies, not only Europe but also Asia and Africa faced significant difficulties.

Now that Trump is back in power and repeating his past policies, other world leaders, particularly those of China, Russia, India, and the European Union, must realize that the effects of Trump’s policies are not confined to the United States alone. During Trump’s tenure, the decline in global cooperation, the increase in trade wars, and neglect of climate change drove the world toward a dangerous path.

China and Russia, as two key players in global political equations, must work toward rebuilding an order that is fair and suitable for all countries. India, as an emerging power, has the potential to set an example of stability through collaboration with its neighbors. European Union leaders should also strive to undo the divisive impacts of Trump’s policies and revive the spirit of global cooperation.

The world needs an order that is not based solely on the interests of one or a few countries but ensures progress, peace, and justice for all people. Trump’s policies, along with those of similar leaders, have taught the world that self-centeredness and independence at the expense of others cannot be sustainable.

To steer the world back toward stability and progress, it is essential for leaders to work together, set aside their differences, and find collective solutions to global challenges. If global leaders continue to follow policies similar to Trump’s, future generations will inherit an unstable world.

This editorial concludes with the hope that the world will take serious steps toward restoring its order, and that leaders will prioritize the common interests of humanity in their actions.

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