Exhibitors Satisfied With Agricultural, Livestock Exhibition in Kabul

The 31st Agricultural and Livestock Products Exhibition, held in Badam Bagh, Kabul, concluded today (Saturday).

Several stallholders expressed their satisfaction with the exhibition, stating that their sales thrived over the four-day event.

Mohammad Wali, a stallholder from Badakhshan, told TOLOnews: “We showcased eleven types of products at this exhibition. With the blessing and help of God and the cooperation of the Islamic Emirate, all our products were sold, and our customers were excellent.”

Ahmad Jawad, a stallholder from Baghlan, said: “We brought various products such as honey, sesame oil, flaxseed oil, cottonseed oil, and other organic products produced by our farmers to showcase here.”

A total of 263 stalls were set up at the exhibition.

Meanwhile, some visitors found such exhibitions valuable for raising awareness about agricultural products and the country’s local production.

Elham, a visitor, told TOLOnews: “We are pleased that exhibitions like this are held in Kabul with participation from all the provinces, showcasing Afghanistan’s products.”

Another visitor, Sonia, said: “More exhibitions should be organized so that we can become more familiar with our country’s products.”

On the other hand, some female entrepreneurs at the exhibition called on the Islamic Emirate to support women’s products and provide more opportunities for them to showcase their goods.

Gol Makai, a stallholder at the exhibition, said: “Having these exhibitions is beneficial for us because we have fresh products every month, and people get to understand that Afghan women are capable of working.”

Nadima, a stallholder from Badghis, said: “Our request to the Islamic Emirate is to provide us with more opportunities so that we can sell the products we produce at home here.”

At the same time, the Chamber of Agriculture and Livestock emphasized the need for more support for stallholders and those involved in local production.

Mirwais Hajizadeh, First Deputy of the Chamber of Agriculture and Livestock, said: “Under the current circumstances, more of these exhibitions should be organized. Holding exhibitions encourages producers and introduces consumers to our products.”

Senior officials from the Islamic Emirate had stated at the opening ceremony of the exhibition that farmers are the main suppliers of essential needs for the Afghan people and that this year’s agricultural yield has been 65% higher than the country’s needs.

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