EUAA reports 45,000 Afghans applied for asylum in first six months of 2024

The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) said Monday that 45,000 Afghans sought asylum in European countries during the first half of 2024.

In its latest report on asylum trends for the first six months of 2024, the EUAA stated that by the end of July, a total of 513,000 people from around the world had applied for asylum in European countries.

The EUAA said in its report that while the total number of asylum applications remained steady compared to the first half of last year, some variations were observed.

During this period, 71,000 Syrians made asylum requests, making them the most significant applicants in Europe.

The report also highlighted that Afghan asylum seekers predominantly applied in countries like Germany, Greece, France, Switzerland, Belgium, and Italy.

The number of Afghan asylum applications to European countries decreased by 18% compared to the same period in 2023.

Additionally, the report emphasized that European Union member states accepted approximately 65% of Afghan asylum applications.

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