The United Nations Security Council will make a final decision to day about the extension of the travel exemption for some officials of the Islamic Emirate, according to Afghanistan’s Permanent Representative to the UN.
Naseer Ahmad Faiq, Afghanistan’s representative to the UN, stated that the United Nations Security Council has been holding discussions regarding this matter for several days and it is likely that this exemption will be extended.
“Some countries have opposed and others have supported extending the travel exemption. It can be extended, but under different circumstances. Tomorrow, the final decision will be made, he said.
In recent months, Human Rights Watch and a number of other organizations have regularly asked the United Nations to ban travel for Islamic Emirate officials if Kabul does not uphold the rights of women and girls.
“Our feeling is that as long as the Taliban are denying Afghan women and girls their freedom of movement, the Taliban also should not be enjoying full freedom of movement,” Heather Barr said.
But political analysts have different views about the extension of the travel exemption for high-ranking officials of the Islamic Emirate.
“The world should give the Afghan authorities a chance and not lock the door to peace, and allow them another opportunity to communicate to the world about the solution to the Afghanistan crisis,” said Mohammad Hassan Haqyar, a political analyst.
The United Nations Security Council removed the travel exemption of Abdul Baqi Haqqani, the Minister of Higher Education, and Sayed Ahmad ShahilKhail, the Deputy Minister of Education, and extended it for another 13 people two months back. By the end of Friday, this exception will end.