The divided electoral tickets

3 Min Read

It is very common that political interests band together individuals with no ideological congruence, but the issue is more serious and entrenched in Afghanistan. Political leaders and groups, whose visions and objectives are as different as chalk and cheese, often team up with one another in the run-up to presidential election. It is very unfortunate to say that the electoral tickets for the upcoming presidential polls have not been formed on the basis of common goals and platforms, and there is no united position among members of nearly all the teams. In some tickets, individuals who have accused each other of supporting terror groups and ethnic discrimination have allied with each other.

It is natural to have a healthy difference of opinion in politics, but when it is at the level of core policies and platforms, they can paralyze the government. The National Unity Government is a real-world example. When President Ghani and CEO Abdullah formed the government based on a power-sharing deal, it was doomed to fail from the onset because there was no unanimity between the two leaders with regard to key national issues. Instead of complementing each other’s work in the government, they regarded each other’s actions with skepticism and even conspiracy. The disagreements and lack of a unified stance paralyzed the National Unity Government to an extent that only not did it not have a tangible achievement in its five-year term despite the international community’s support, but the gains previously made are also at stake.

The new electoral tickets in the race for presidency also unfortunately lack internal unity. If their internal discords persist and extend into government affairs after the election, Afghanistan again will suffer for five years for absence of a strong government, one that is capable of making rational decisions on key national issues. The electoral teams must forge a general consensus among their members at least during electioneering. Power sharing should not be the core factor for their alliance or team building. They must embrace a unified position on major national issues, which can save the country from a total chaos and a repeat of the bitter experience of the past in the country’s critical situation.

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