Local officials on Tuesday said 33 security personnel based in the Ajristan district of southern Ghazni province have got shelter in the Miramor district of central Daikundi province.
Abdul Qadir Haidari, Miramor district chief, told Pajhwok Afghan News the 33 soldiers, five of them wounded, fled to the district two days ago. The injured are currently under treatment at a local hospital.
“Eight of these forces are Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers, 16 are commandos and the rest are policemen,” he explained. The security forces were capable of defeating the Taliban if they attacked Miramor from Ajiristan, he said.
Ali Mardan, a resident of the district, told Pajhwok that Ajiristan was under high threat from Taliban. Soldiers and local officials fled to Daikundi province whenever they came under attack, he said.
Some reports previously said around a hundred Afghan soldiers were missing in Ajiristan. But Tariq Shah Behrami, the defense minister, said only 50 soldiers were missing, probably sheltering in neighboring districts.
33 security personnel flee Ajristan, get shelter in Daikundi

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