
The Killing of 260 Afghans by Iran: Another Crime Against Humanity


October 16, 2024

The killing of 260 Afghan migrants by Iran is a crime against humanity that must be strongly condemned by the international community. The human rights organization “Halvash” reported that Iran’s border forces shot and killed these innocent Afghans, who were attempting to enter Iran through the Kalgan region. This horrific event is not only a violation of international law but also another alarming sign of Iran’s long-standing oppressive and violent border policies against Afghans.

For many years, the Iranian government has supported militant groups in various countries to achieve its regional objectives, while simultaneously committing injustices against Afghans. According to the latest report from the “Halvash” organization, two Afghan witnesses confirmed that they personally saw the killing of their fellow countrymen. These Afghans, who were forced to flee to Iran in search of safety for their families and a better future, were brutally murdered instead of finding refuge.

This act is a serious affront to humanity. Iran has not only oppressed its own people, but it has also subjected the citizens of neighboring countries to years of cruel treatment. Afghan migrants, who leave their war-torn and impoverished country, are met with the brutality of Iranian border forces. This is a blatant violation of international law, and it cannot be justified under any circumstances.

Iran’s violations of human rights must not be ignored. While the world strives to protect and uphold human rights, Iran continues to sacrifice Afghan lives for its oppressive policies. This is not just a national tragedy; it is a global issue that demands the attention of all countries. The international community must raise its voice against Iran’s actions.

The Afghan caretaker government must take a firm stand on this matter. The blood of the Afghan people is valuable, and the government must react to this horrific incident by demanding an explanation from Iran. The lives and dignity of Afghans should be a priority for every government, and this is a crucial moment for the Afghan caretaker government to seek justice from international institutions.

International human rights organizations, particularly the United Nations, must take serious action against Iran. Those responsible for this crime must be prosecuted, and justice must be delivered to the families of the victims. While the international community is committed to protecting human rights, Iran openly violates these principles and hides its crimes.

In conclusion, the world must respond seriously to Iran’s actions. Human rights are not only a matter of law but a fundamental aspect of humanity. Iran must realize that such barbaric actions will tarnish its reputation globally, and its continued oppression of Afghans will pose a grave threat to regional stability and security.

Remaining silent on this crime is a betrayal of the victims’ blood. The world must redouble its efforts for justice and show Iran that human life and dignity are valuable, and no country has the right to so cruelly take the lives of innocent people.