An increase in the presence of foreign militants in the north and northeast part of Afghanistan is raising fears that the situation will worsen if not addressed.
According to political leaders from the north, the fighters are entering the country from neighboring countries and have stations in Badakhshan, Takhar, Kunduz, Jawzjan and Faryab.
“Extremist foreigners have been stationed in Badakhshan to Kunduz to parts of Takhar and parts of Darzab and Qoshtepa (districts) of Jawzjan, Almar and Qaisar of Faryab, Kohistanat district of Sar-e-Pul and parts of Badghis and are very active,” said Atta Mohammad Noor, CEO of the Jamiat-e-Islami party and the former governor of Balkh.
Former MPs from northern provinces said some of the fighters have also brought their families and all are armed.
“Some have joined these groups and are roaming in Raghistan (district) and are fighting,” said Fawzia Kofi, a former MP from Badakhshan.